
The second day of Najah Dubai's 16th extension at the Dubai World Trade Center continues to serve the needs of high school and postgraduate students from across the UAE. This year, Najah is back with a brand-new feature called The Success Hub that was created to inspire and equip prospective students with the information and resources they need to forge their own academic paths. Through a series of panel discussions, workshops, and keynote speeches, a variety of intriguing subjects will be covered, including deconstructing the Ivy League, selecting one's dream university, preparing for interviews, acing applications, getting a scholarship or even a side gig, and honing public speaking abilities, to name a few. The Success Hub hosted several different discussions on the second day of the exhibition. In his lecture, Dr. Firas Habbal, president of the Emirates Scholar Research Center, described the center's mission and how it affects the real world. And how it functions as a virtual scientist that is integrated and focused on providing services for scientific research. He emphasized the value of Najah's potential for visitors to learn about scholarship opportunities, admissions, study abroad, and alumni experiences, among many other critical issues, to aid students in making the important decision of where and what to study when he concluded his address.