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Emirates Association For Talent discusses a number of development programs and proposals

Emirates Association For Talent discusses a number of development programs and proposals that supports its goals.

His Excellency Lieutenant General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security in Dubai, and the president of the Emirates Association For Talent, chaired the Board of Directors meeting, which was held at the Dubai Police Officers Club. H.E. Major General Engineer Waleed Al-Mannai, the General Manager of the Local and Federal Development and Innovation in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security in Dubai, H.E. Dr. Mansour Al-Awar, Vice President of the Association, Munira Safar, Secretary General, Dr. Saif Al-Jabri, Treasurer, and Lieutenant Colonel Zaid Al-Sabouni, Media Adviser to the Association and many other directors and honorary members attended the meeting.

During the meeting, the previous agenda were reviewed, and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Dr. Mansour Al-Awar, Vice President of the Association, presented a proposal for a program entitled “Reverse Engineering”, which is a process that relies on re-analyzing a specific product or system to understand how it works, with the aim of creating an exact copy of it or improving the product or system.

They discussed the ways of cooperation and exchange of experiences  with Emirates Scholar Research Center for Studies and Research, and to benefit from the research and innovative studies available at the center. The center, which supports the goals of the association in adopting talented people and developing their abilities.

It was also proposed to adopt the sixth day of May every year as a day for Emirati Talent, and to issue the periodical magazine of the association (Mawhiba Watan Magazine). And finally, they presented the reports of the next General Assembly meeting (administrative and financial reports).

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International Annual Conference & Exhibition of Autism Challenges and Solutions Kicks off with Successful Workshop Sessions

The 11th edition of autism international conference kicked off yesterday, April 27th, with three successful workshop sessions. This annual event dedicated to raising awareness and promoting education about autism, which is being held at Beach Rotana in Abu Dhabi, is expected to draw in a large number of attendees from across the country and beyond.

The workshops were led by prominent experts in the field of autism and covered a wide range of topics including the latest research findings, effective treatment strategies, and educational approaches for individuals with autism. Participants had the opportunity to engage in interactive discussions and learn from the presenters’ first-hand experiences and expertise.

The conference is continuing today and over the next two days, with a diverse range of presentations, keynote speeches, and panel discussions that will highlight the importance of autism awareness and its impact on individuals and families affected by the condition. It will also provide a platform for stakeholders to share their insights and best practices and collaborate towards a better future for individuals with autism.

The Autism Conference is a crucial event for individuals with autism, their families, and the wider community. It aims to raise awareness and promote education about the condition, dispel myths and misconceptions, and facilitate the sharing of knowledge and best practices. The conference provides an opportunity for individuals affected by autism to come together, connect, and learn from one another.

“We are proud to partner with the Autism Conference as an academic partner,” said Dr. Fawaz Habbal, the general director of Emirates Scholar. “At Emirates Scholar, we recognize the importance of creating opportunities for individuals with autism to succeed in their academic and personal lives. The Autism Conference provides a vital platform for sharing insights, best practices, and innovative approaches that can help improve the lives of individuals with autism.”

WhatsApp Image 2022-09-05 at 10.14.01 AM

Emirates Scholar Research Center held “Introductory Workshop on Scientific Research and Digital Transformation in Education” for Saif Bin Zayed Academy For Police Science And Security.

Saif Bin Zayed Academy ​for Security & Policing Sciences organized an introductory workshop following with practical workshop with the Emirates Scholar Research Center on August 31, 2022 entitled with “Introductory Workshop on Scientific Research and Digital Transformation in Education.”

Dr. Fawaz Habbal, President of Emirates Scholar Research Center, gave an overview of the ESRC and its importance, as well as his vision to enhance the position of the United Arab Emirates in scientific research. Followed by Dr. Firas Habbal, Editor-in-Chief of the Emirates Scholar Research Center, represented about the importance of scientific research, and how to conduct it in its own way. After that, a practical workshop was held with the attendees, where they exchanged new ideas and topics that inspire them and arouse their interest to conduct research on/

Dr. Firas confirmed that the Emirates Scholar Research Center is always ready to guide and assist them in their scientific field. The main objective of the workshop was to help members motivate, encourage, and assist them and support scientific research on behalf of the country.

Colonel Dr. Saeed Al Khaili mentioned that Abu Dhabi Police also looks forward to the continuous cooperation with Emirates Scholar Research Center in order to promote an innovative vision that supports the research and development environment.

After that, a meeting took place between the Emirates Research Center’s team and the Major General Thani Butti Al Shamsi where shieldswere exchanged in recognition of the joint support and continued fruitful cooperation.

At the end of the meeting, Emirates Research Center team emphasized the permanent cooperation and providing innovative solutions that reflect the modern image of the United Arab Emirates.


Memorandum Of Understanding Signature Ceremony between Curtin University and Emirates Scholar Research Center


A memorandum of understanding has been signed in Dubai by Curtin University Dubai and Emirates Scholar Research Center, with the aim of enhancing scientific research and knowledge cooperation and benefiting from the accumulated scientific and research experiences on both sides, as well as supporting the means of partnership between them in the various fields of science and research.

The memorandum was signed by, Professor John Evans, the Pro Vice Chancellor of Curtin University, and Dr. Firas Habbal, the President of Emirates Scholar Research Center. It took place in the presence of the Mr. Khaled Abdalla, a board member of Emirates Scholar Research Center, and from the same party, Dr. Fawaz Habbal, president of Geminos Group, Mr. Yaser Masri, Geminos Group Executive Director, and Ms. Carla Sarkis, Business Development Executive and from Curtin University, Dubai Mr. Salih Ismail, Program Coordinator, College of Information Technology and Engineering.

The areas of cooperation between the two parties include exchanging information and experience, organizing joint scientific and research events, including conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures, and exchanging publications.

Dr. Firas, President of Emirates Scholar Research Center, stressed the importance of this MoU as it enhances the strategic partnership between the Emirates Scholar Research Center and Curtin University in Dubai, which is considered one of the leading scientific and academic institutions in the country.

He added that areas of cooperation outlined in the MoU focus on benefiting from the scientific capabilities of ESRC recruits who will acquire scientific specializations and postgraduate studies through training, qualifying, and refining their skills in many practical fields that prepare them for scientific research. He further added that research also facilitates access to new scientific horizons and knowledge, which in return, will improve the intellectual capabilities of researchers, providing them with the opportunity to work with experts, and benefit from their experience and ideas.

“Today, we are making new progress through this memorandum, which aims to enhance the contribution of scientific research and modern science to sustainable economic development efforts based on knowledge, innovation, and technology, “said Professor John!

“This memorandum emphasize on the importance of the Curtin University’s ambition in preparing a strong group of UAE National researchers capable of serving the country vision, while providing innovative solutions in logistic, technical and social areas.” he added.

“The memorandum seeks to enhance the means of research and scientific cooperation between the two sides in many fields, to achieve their goals of supporting scientific research, expanding knowledge and experience, diversifying their sources, and to serve the community at its best.

We look forward during the coming period to achieving the maximum benefit from the outputs of this memorandum and its contribution to developing the scientific research in the UAE. ” Mentioned Dr. Fawaz.

Finally, both assured that the signing of the memorandum of understanding and cooperation establishes distinguished relations between the two parties and expands the knowledge base to benefit from the experiences of both sides in all areas of common interest, indicating that cooperation between them would contribute significantly to develop informed and sustainable visions and plans that serve the mission of scientific research


إطلاق مؤتمر التعاون الاقتصادي بين قواندونغ الصينية ودولة الإمارات ضمن فعاليات إكسبو ٢٠٢٠

تم اليوم الافتتاح الرسمي لأسبوع قواندونغ بجناح الصين في إكسبو ٢٠٢٠ وذلك تحت رعاية مجلس الصين لتعزيز لجنة التجارة الدولية والتي من خلالها أكد البلدان على أهمية العلاقات بين دولة الإمارات والصين٬ وحثا على تعزيز قوة التبادل التجاري والاقتصادي بينهما.

قالت المنسقة الإعلامية لمؤتمر التعاون الاقتصادي غنى الجواهري إن الجناح الصيني في إكسبو استقبل أكثر من ٨٠٠٠٠٠ زائراً منذ بداية المعرض حتى اليوم، إذ سمّت جمهورية الصين جناحها بإكسبو ب (ضوء الصين) وذلك لما سيقدمه من فرص وإنجازات وخاصة بما يخص أسبوع قواندونغ. يقوم الجناح الصيني بعرض الثقافة الصينية بطرق مبتكرة وحديثة وستستمر الصين بإقامة عدة معارض لمشاركة ثقافتها وتاريخها مع أكبر عدد ممكن من الزوار. تعتبر مدينة قواندونغ من أكبر المدن الصينية وأضخمها اقتصادياً إذ تعتبر التجارة فيها من أهم النشاطات الاقتصادية وهي نافذة تداول اقتصادية رئيسية. عزز القنصل العام بدولة الإمارات في مدينة قواندنغ السيد رحمه الشامسي خلال هذا المؤتمر مفهوم الصداقة والتعاون التجاري بين الإمارات والصين، إذ يَعتبر الشامسي دولة الإمارات شريك أساسي للصين. سيوفر أسبوع قواندونغ فرص جديدة للبلدين مما سيساهم في تطوير وتعزيز مجتمع الأعمال المشتركة المستقبلية.

قال المتحدث الرسمي لغرفة تجارة دبي إنه يتطلع لمزيد من التعاون والتشارك مع جمهورية الصين، وأضاف قائلاً إن شراكة الإمارات والصين هي المنصة المثالية للتداول وإن أهداف هذه الشراكة كثيرة أهمها جذب فرص أعمال إماراتية صينية جديدة. وأكد أيضاً أن غرفة تجارة دبي تركز دائماً على بناء علاقات تجارية قوية مع الصين.

أُجري خلال الافتتاح اليوم حفل توقيع مشاريع تعاون قواندونغ ودولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة وذلك بمشاركة عدد كبير من نخبة رجال الأعمال الصينيين والإماراتيين. وتم أيضا إطلاق منتجات بوتيك قواندونغ-الإمارات.

قال نائب رئيس الطاقم الرائد الصيني والذي يعتبر من أهم النواب في حكومة قواندونغ إن هذا الافتتاح هو الفرصة الذهبية لكلا البلدين الإمارات والصين وذلك ليشهد العالم على إنجازات أسبوع قواندونغ التي من خلالها سيتم التعاون والتفاعل التجاري، كما سيتم تسهيل حركة التجارة بشكل أكبر بين الصين ودبي.

أكد الدكتور فواز حبال وهو الرئيس التنفيذي لمجموعة جيمينوس على أهمية المشاركة والتبادل المعرفي والاقتصادي بين الجناحين الإماراتي والصيني وكافة الأجنحة في إكسبو ٢٠٢٠، وذلك لما ستقدمه هذه المشاركة من فوائد اقتصادية وعلاقات تجارية متنوعة مع كافة المشاركين


اكسبو دبي ينظم فعالية “أسبوع مدينة قوانقونغ” في الجناح الصيني

رعاية كريمة من مجلس مدينة قوانقونغ الصينية، وضمن الفعاليات التي انطلقت في اكسبو 2020، نظم الجناح الصيني  فعالية “أسبوع قوانقدونغ الصينية” و الذي أعلنه عنه عبرالمؤتمر الذي عقد في الصين حضوريا، و نقله عبر شبكة الانترنت في دولة الإمارات. وأكد الحاضرون في المؤتمر،  على قوة العلاقات الاقتصادية بين الصين ودولة الامارات العربية المتحدة ، وحجم التبادل التجاري بين البلدين.

وشارك في الفعالية عدد كبير من الشخصيات بضمنهم القنصل العام لدولة الامارات في مدينة قوانغدونغ سعادة رحمة عبدالله الشامسي . والذي اعرب عن حرص الامارات على نمو العلاقات مع الصين، وتعزيز التعاون التجاري بين البلدين. من جانبه كشف رئيس مجلس إدارة العرب والصين للأستثمارات العربية سعادة خالد البلوشي، عن سعي الامارات لتطوير وتعزيز العلاقات التجارية والاقتصادية بين البلدين

كما و أكد الدكتور فواز حبال المدير التنفيذي لمجموعة جيمينوس أن تطوير العلاقات الثنائية بين الصين ودول الخليج بشكل عام، والإمارات بشكل خاص على مدى السنوات الطويلة الماضية، يثبت أن الاحترام والثقة المتبادلة والرؤية المشتركة، هي الأمور التي تُرسي الأساس اللازم لتطوير العلاقات بين الدول.

وتظهر أحدث بيانات وزارة الاقتصاد الإماراتية، أن إجمالي قيمة التبادل التجاري غير النفطي (قيمة الصادرات والواردات مجمعتين) بين الإمارات والصين ارتفعت خلال الفترة بين 2010 و2019، بنسبة تجاوزت% 253.5، فيما بلغ   ،حجم التبادلات التجارية غير النفطية بين البلدين حوالي خمسين مليار دولار خلال العام 2019 ، ويطمح الجانبان إلى زيادته لأكثر من 200 مليار دولار بحلول عام 2030 .

ويرى مراقبون انه مع كل هذه المعطيات تكون مشاركة الصين في اكسبو 2020 ذات أهمية كبيرة، حيث يعتبر جناحها واحدا من أهم وأكبر الأجنحة في المعرض، بمساحة بلغت 4,636 مترا مربعا. فيما يرمز الجناح الصيني إلى الأمل والمستقبل المشرق، واعتمد  تصميمه على المزج بين الثقافتين الصينية والغربية.

فالصين دولة عظيمة تصعد نحو أقتصادها صعودا قويا،  وفيها مدن ذات اقتصاد وتجارة قويتين، ومن اهمها مقاطعة قوانغدونغ الغنية، فالمقاطعة تحوي ثلاث مناطق اقتصادية وهي ( شينتشين- شانتو – زوهاي) من ضمن الأربع مدن  الموجودة في هونغ كونغ، اذ تتمتع هذه المناطق بنظام جباية خاص، منذ ان شرع العمل بها عام ١٩٩٠م، مما  شجع ذلك على تدفق الاستثمارات الاجنبية إليها .


Launching the Economic Cooperation Conference between the Chinese Guangdong and the UAE, as part of Expo 2020

Today 11 January, marked the opening ceremony of the Guangdong Week at the Chinese Pavilion at Expo 2020, sponsored by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guangdong Committee. Through this conference the two countries stated the importance of relations between the UAE and China and encouraged the strengthening of trade and economic exchange between them.

The Chinese pavilion at the Expo has received more than 800,000 visitors since the beginning of the exhibition until today, as the Republic of China named its pavilion the Expo “The Light of China” because of the numerous opportunities and achievements it will present, especially with regard to Guangdong Week.

The Chinese pavilion displays Chinese culture in innovative and modern ways, also it will continue to prepare and arrange several exhibitions and events to share its culture and history with the largest possible number of visitors. Guangdong is one of the largest economic areas in China, as trade in it is one of the most important economic activities. In addition, Guangdong is a major economic trading window.

During this conference, the Consul General of the UAE in Guangdong, Mr. Rhama Al Shamsi, enhanced the concept of friendship and trade cooperation between the UAE and China. Furthermore, Al Shamsi considers the UAE a key partner to China. Guangdong Week will provide new opportunities for the two countries, which will contribute to the development and strengthening of the future joint business community.

The official spokesman of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce said that he is looking forward to more cooperation and partnership with the Republic of China. Moreover, he stated that the UAE-China partnership is the ideal platform for trading, and there are many objectives from it and the most important one is attracting new Emirati Chinese business opportunities. He also assured that the Dubai Chamber of Commerce has always focused on building strong trade relations with China.

A signing ceremony of Guangdong-UAE cooperation projects was held today, with the participation of many Chinese and Emirati businessmen. Guangdong-UAE boutique products were also launched.

The vice president of the leading crew, who is considered one of the most important representatives in the Guangdong government, said that this launching is a brilliant opportunity for both countries, the UAE and China. Furthermore, he stated that it will facilitate the trading movement through Dubai and China.

Dr. Fawaz Habbal, CEO of Geminos Group, emphasized the importance of participation and knowledge and economic exchange between the UAE and Chinese pavilion and with all pavilions at Expo 2020, due to the economic benefits that this participation will provide and various commercial relations with all participants.


The Conclusion of the Economic Cooperation Conference between the Chinese Guangdong and the UAE

Today, January 13th, the last day of the Economic Cooperation Conference was held between Guangdong City in the Republic of China and the UAE. During this conference, the CEO of Dubai Exports Development Corporation, Saeed Al-Awadi, stated and assured the importance of having such strong and historical relations between the UAE and China. Al-Awadi said that this partnership has carried commercial and economic benefits over the years to the public and private sectors in the two countries. Mr. Saeed also added that the UAE-Chinese relations contributed to the development of the two countries’ economies and was a turning point for them in most of the various commercial fields. The media coordinator of the Economic Cooperation Conference, Ghina Al-Jawahry, said that the conference dealt with several axes, the most important of which is the strengthening of Emirati Chinese ties and the consideration of China as a key and important partner for the UAE. The conference invited investors that are willing to invest in Guangdong to participate in the Guangdong Week at Expo 2020, to learn more about the merits of this economic city and learn more about the methods of investing in it. Another important topic discussed during the conference was the inclusion of useful tips for participating entrepreneurs in investments in Guangdong, which included four key points summarized expanding the field of trade cooperation in the areas of science, technology, and innovation in various regions in Guangdong. Guangdong City is a fertile land for various projects, future plans, entrepreneurship, and investments. Many enterprises have succeeded in becoming stronger and bigger in Guangdong, taking advantage of the rare development opportunities, and achieving fruitful results through opening-up, cooperation, mutual benefit, and progress. Dr. Firas Habbal, The Academic President of the Emirates Scholars Gateway, expressed his gratitude for participating in this cooperative conference between China and the UAE for the exchange of academic experiences and information related to technology, innovation, and creativity. Dr. Habbal also considered that participating in this kind of conference carries a lot of mutual benefits with many elite Chinese and Emirati businessmen. “Expo 2020 is a gateway for the private sector to participate and trade exchange with countries of the world to learn about the latest methods and technology and openness to the global market, which positively affects the private business sector,” said Lana Al-Modarres, Marketing Marketing of Geminos Group. She added, “The Geminos Group is always keen to be present and participate in international and commercial events, especially academic ones, and we also believe in the importance of trade exchange with the People’s Republic of China and its main role in the innovative technology sectors.”


The UAE hosts the World Conference on Automation and Robotics

Dubai (Union) under the auspices of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai From 2-5 November, the United Arab Emirates will host the 38th World Conference on Automation and Robotics in Construction for the year 2021, for the first time in the region.

The country won the hosting of this major global event, during its participation in the work of the 36th session of the conference held in Canada, where the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure submitted the hosting file in partnership and cooperation with the National Program for Artificial Intelligence, the Dubai Tourism Department, the University of Sharjah, the Geminos Group for Business Information Services and the researcher portal. UAE. The file won the trust and admiration of the World Organization for Automation and Robotics in Construction and its member states.

His Excellency Suhail Mohammed Faraj Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, stressed that the UAE’s hosting of this most important global conference in automation and robotics in the field of construction reflects its advanced position in artificial intelligence techniques in the areas of automation and robots specialized in building and construction, and the world’s confidence in its ability to organize greater Specialized events, exhibitions and conferences in this sector, which has witnessed significant growth in recent years.

His Excellency pointed out that this hosting contributes to strengthening the country’s leadership as a pioneering model in the construction sector based on the latest innovations, inventions and artificial intelligence techniques, and will allow institutions and companies operating in the region the opportunity to see the latest trends and best practices in this field and employ them in providing more innovative solutions that Serving the communities of the region and the world.

The International Conference on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021), one of the most important specialized scientific conferences, aims to discuss and review the latest scientific and technological research related to the development of construction methods using robots and artificial intelligence techniques, and it has wide participation from major international institutions and global companies involved in the field of automation and robotics. Specialized in construction.


الإمارات تستضيف الدورة الـ 38 للمؤتمر العالمي للأتمتة و الروبوتات في مجال البناء نوفمبر المقبل

دبي في 3 أغسطس / وام / تحت رعاية صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي “رعاه الله” تستضيف دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة خلال الفترة من 2 إلى 5 نوفمبر القادم الدورة الـ38 للمؤتمر العالمي للأتمتة والروبوتات في مجال البناء لعام 2021 وذلك للمرة الأولى بالمنطقة في إنجاز جديد يؤكد مكانة الدولة المتقدمة وقدرتها على استضافة وتنظيم أكبر الفعاليات وأهم المؤتمرات على مستوى العالم.

كانت الإمارات قد فازت باستضافة هذا الحدث العالمي الكبير خلال مشاركتها في أعمال الدورة الـ36 للمؤتمر الذي عقد في كندا حيث تقدمت وزارة الطاقة والبنية التحتية بملف الاستضافة بالشراكة والتعاون مع البرنامج الوطني للذكاء الاصطناعي وهيئة دبي للسياحة وجامعة الشارقة ومجموعة جيمنوس لخدمات المعلومات التجارية وبوابة باحثي الامارات ونال الملف ثقة وإعجاب المنظمة العالمية للأتمتة والروبوتات في البناء والدول الأعضاء فيها.

و أكد معالي سهيل بن محمد فرج فارس المزروعي وزير الطاقة والبنية التحتية أن استضافة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة لهذا المؤتمر العالمي الأهم في الأتمتة والروبوتات في مجال البناء يعكس مكانتها المتقدمة في تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي في مجالات الأتمتة والروبوتات المختصة بالبناء والتشييد وثقة العالم بقدرتها على تنظيم أكبر الفعاليات والمعارض والمؤتمرات المتخصصة في هذا القطاع الذي يشهد نموا كبيرا في السنوات الأخيرة.

و أشار معاليه إلى أن هذه الاستضافة ستسهم في تعزيز ريادة الدولة كنموذج ريادي في قطاع الإنشاءات والبناء المعتمد على آخر الابتكارات والاختراعات وتقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي وستتيح للمؤسسات والشركات العاملة في المنطقة فرصة الاطلاع على أحدث الاتجاهات وأفضل الممارسات في هذا المجال وتوظيفها في توفير مزيد من الحلول المبتكرة التي تخدم مجتمعات المنطقة والعالم.

يعد المؤتمر العالمي للأتمتة والروبوتات في مجال البناء /ISARC 2021/، أحد أهم المؤتمرات العلمية المتخصصة ويهدف إلى مناقشة واستعراض آخر الأبحاث العلمية والتكنولوجية الخاصة بتطوير أساليب البناء باستخدام الروبوتات وتقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي ويحظى بمشاركة واسعة من كبرى المؤسسات الدولية والشركات العالمية المعنية بمجال الأتمتة والروبوتات المتخصصة في البناء.