Emirates Scholar Research Center announces 7 scientific journals in 2023
Emirates Scholar announce 5 scientific journals during its 3rd Annual Board of trustees Meeting The president of ESRC Dr. Firas Habbal addressed the importance of Emirates Scholar, its mission and vision. The Emirates Scholar Center for Studies and Research helps improve scientific research in the United Arab Emirates and surrounding Arab countries. It works with government agencies, public organizations, businesses, and academic experts, Dr. Firas Habbal said. Mr Ali Al Abdullah member of board of trustees emphasized on ESRC role in improving and complying to United Arab Emirates research vision – I am proud of what Emirate Scholar has achieved during its early years and proved its position among international research center- he said .
Emirates Scholar Research Center helps improve scientific research in the United Arab Emirates and surrounding Arab countries. (The president of ESRC)
At the opening remarks the host pleased to welcome the board of trustees and other participants for the continued services. In attendees included LT. G. Waleed Al Manaai, Khalid Al Ali, Ali Al Abdullah, Dr. Mariam Matar, Abdullah Al Zaabi and, other advisory board members, VIP Guests and Geminos Group’s team (Geminos Group is the parent company of Emirates Scholar Research Center). The president and founder of UAE GDA Dr. Mariam Matar addressed, about UAEGDA and the initiatives and successes. Through the UAEGDA initiative we supported families from 17 different nationalities, Added. The director general of Emirates Scholar Dr. Fawaz Habbal presents the annual report and achievements and successes of ESRC during 2022. Furthermore, he presented the presentation on upcoming conferences for the year 2023 in which we will launch the new version of Emirates Scholar platform with new features.
Emirates Scholar Research Center is pleased to announce the launch of a 2 new open access journal titled as Emirati Journal of Environment, Sustainability, and Climate Change, And Emirati Journal of Nano materials and Advanced Technologies. Both journals brings together emerging technologies for adaptive smart structures, including advanced materials, smart actuation, sensing and control, to pursue the progressive adoption of the major scientific achievements in this multidisciplinary field. By those additions ESRC will be publishing in total 7 journals in the fields of Business, Economy, Digital transformation, Policing, Law, Media & Art, and Medicine applications.
The journal covers a wide range of application areas spanning from innovative flexible and topology optimized aircraft wing structures based on complaint and rigid-body mechanisms, to smart actuators, sensors, and control strategies for adaptive noise and vibration control. Focus is also given to reliability and safety-related issues for future aircraft applications.
During meeting Dr. Fawaz Habbal and Mr Khalid Al Ali and Dr. Hatem Abu Shammala signed MOU of partnership between Dr. Hatem and Emirates Scholar Research Center and present a memorial shield to Dr. Hatem Abu Shammala for the new beginning.
Emirates Scholar announce 5 scientific journals during its 3rd Annual Board of trustees Meeting The president of ESRC Dr. Firas Habbal addressed the importance of Emirates Scholar, its mission and vision. The Emirates Scholar Center for Studies and Research helps improve scientific research in the United Arab Emirates and surrounding Arab countries. It works with government agencies, public organizations, businesses, and academic experts, Dr. Firas Habbal said. Mr Ali Al Abdullah member of board of trustees emphasized on ESRC role in improving and complying to United Arab Emirates research vision – I am proud of what Emirate Scholar has achieved during its early years and proved its position among international research center- he said .

Emirates Scholar Research Center helps improve scientific research in the United Arab Emirates and surrounding Arab countries. (The president of ESRC)
At the opening remarks the host pleased to welcome the board of trustees and other participants for the continued services. In attendees included LT. G. Waleed Al Manaai, Khalid Al Ali, Ali Al Abdullah, Dr. Mariam Matar, Abdullah Al Zaabi and, other advisory board members, VIP Guests and Geminos Group’s team (Geminos Group is the parent company of Emirates Scholar Research Center). The president and founder of UAE GDA Dr. Mariam Matar addressed, about UAEGDA and the initiatives and successes. Through the UAEGDA initiative we supported families from 17 different nationalities, Added. The director general of Emirates Scholar Dr. Fawaz Habbal presents the annual report and achievements and successes of ESRC during 2022. Furthermore, he presented the presentation on upcoming conferences for the year 2023 in which we will launch the new version of Emirates Scholar platform with new features.
Emirates Scholar Research Center is pleased to announce the launch of a 2 new open access journal titled as Emirati Journal of Environment, Sustainability, and Climate Change, And Emirati Journal of Nano materials and Advanced Technologies. Both journals brings together emerging technologies for adaptive smart structures, including advanced materials, smart actuation, sensing and control, to pursue the progressive adoption of the major scientific achievements in this multidisciplinary field. By those additions ESRC will be publishing in total 7 journals in the fields of Business, Economy, Digital transformation, Policing, Law, Media & Art, and Medicine applications.
The journal covers a wide range of application areas spanning from innovative flexible and topology optimized aircraft wing structures based on complaint and rigid-body mechanisms, to smart actuators, sensors, and control strategies for adaptive noise and vibration control. Focus is also given to reliability and safety-related issues for future aircraft applications.
During meeting Dr. Fawaz Habbal and Mr Khalid Al Ali and Dr. Hatem Abu Shammala signed MOU of partnership between Dr. Hatem and Emirates Scholar Research Center and present a memorial shield to Dr. Hatem Abu Shammala for the new beginning.